Settings can be supplied to PDF and image c-bindings using utf-8 encoded strings. This is done by relatively simple reflection on the CropSettings, HeaderFooter, Margin, ImageGlobal, PdfGlobal, PdfObject, Size, and TableOfContent classes.
Web page specific settings
The following web page specific settings apply
- web.background Should we print the background? Must be either "true" or "false".
- web.loadImages Should we load images? Must be either "true" or "false".
- web.enableJavascript Should we enable javascript? Must be either "true" or "false".
- web.enableIntelligentShrinking Should we enable intelligent shrinkng to fit more content on one page? Must be either "true" or "false". Has no effect for wkhtmltoimage.
- web.minimumFontSize The minimum font size allowed. E.g. "9"
- web.defaultEncoding What encoding should we guess content is using if they do not specify it properly? E.g. "utf-8"
- web.userStyleSheet Url er path to a user specified style sheet.
- web.enablePlugins Should we enable NS plugins, must be either "true" or "false". Enabling this will have limited success.
Object Specific loading settings
The following settings apply for object loading.
- load.username The user name to use when loging into a website, E.g. "bart"
- load.password The password to used when logging into a website, E.g. "elbarto"
- load.jsdelay The mount of time in milliseconds to wait after a page has done loading until it is actually printed. E.g. "1200". We will wait this amount of time or until, javascript calls window.print().
- load.zoomFactor How much should we zoom in on the content? E.g. "2.2".
- load.customHeaders TODO
- load.repertCustomHeaders Should the custom headers be sent all elements loaded instead of only the main page? Must be either "true" or "false".
- load.cookies TODO
- load.blockLocalFileAccess Disallow local and piped files to access other local files. Must be either "true" or "false".
- load.stopSlowScript Stop slow running javascript. Must be either "true" or "false".
- load.debugJavascript Forward javascript warnings and errors to the warning callback. Must be either "true" or "false".
- load.loadErrorHandling How should we handle obejcts that fail to load. Must be one of:
- "abort" Abort the conversion process
- "skip" Do not add the object to the final output
- "ignore" Try to add the object to the final output.
- load.proxy String describing what proxy to use when loading the object.
- load.runScript TODO
- load.printMediaType Should the content be printed using the print media type instead of the screen media type. Must be either "true" or "false". Has no effect for wkhtmltoimage.
Header and footer settings
The same settings can be applied for headers and footers, here there are explained in terms of the header.
- header.fontSize The font size to use for the header, e.g. "13"
- header.fontName The name of the font to use for the header. e.g. "times"
- header.left The string to print in the left part of the header, note that some sequences are replaced in this string, see the wkhtmltopdf manual.
- The text to print in the center part of the header.
- header.right The text to print in the right part of the header.
- header.line Whether a line should be printed under the header (either "true" or "false").
- header.spacing The amount of space to put between the header and the content, e.g. "1.8". Be aware that if this is too large the header will be printed outside the pdf document. This can be corrected with the setting.
- header.htmlUrl Url for a HTML document to use for the header.
Pdf global settings
The wkhtmltopdf_global_settings structure contains the following settings:
- size.pageSize The paper size of the output document, e.g. "A4".
- size.width The with of the output document, e.g. "4cm".
- size.height The height of the output document, e.g. "12in".
- orientation The orientation of the output document, must be either "Landscape" or "Portrait".
- colorMode Should the output be printed in color or gray scale, must be either "Color" or "Grayscale"
- resolution Most likely has no effect.
- dpi What dpi should we use when printing, e.g. "80".
- pageOffset A number that is added to all page numbers when printing headers, footers and table of content.
- copies How many copies should we print?. e.g. "2".
- collate Should the copies be collated? Must be either "true" or "false".
- outline Should a outline (table of content in the sidebar) be generated and put into the PDF? Must be either "true" or false".
- outlineDepth The maximal depth of the outline, e.g. "4".
- dumpOutline If not set to the empty string a XML representation of the outline is dumped to this file.
- out The path of the output file, if "-" output is sent to stdout, if empty the output is stored in a buffer.
- documentTitle The title of the PDF document.
- useCompression Should we use loss less compression when creating the pdf file? Must be either "true" or "false".
- Size of the top margin, e.g. "2cm"
- margin.bottom Size of the bottom margin, e.g. "2cm"
- margin.left Size of the left margin, e.g. "2cm"
- margin.right Size of the right margin, e.g. "2cm"
- imageDPI The maximal DPI to use for images in the pdf document.
- imageQuality The jpeg compression factor to use when producing the pdf document, e.g. "92".
- load.cookieJar Path of file used to load and store cookies.
Pdf object settings
The wkhtmltopdf_object_settings structure contains the following settings:
- toc.useDottedLines Should we use a dotted line when creating a table of content? Must be either "true" or "false".
- toc.captionText The caption to use when creating a table of content.
- toc.forwardLinks Should we create links from the table of content into the actual content? Must be either "true or "false.
- toc.backLinks Should we link back from the content to this table of content.
- toc.indentation The indentation used for every table of content level, e.g. "2em".
- toc.fontScale How much should we scale down the font for every toc level? E.g. "0.8"
- page The URL or path of the web page to convert, if "-" input is read from stdin.
- header.* Header specific settings see Header and footer settings.
- footer.* Footer specific settings see Header and footer settings.
- useExternalLinks Should external links in the HTML document be converted into external pdf links? Must be either "true" or "false.
- useLocalLinks Should internal links in the HTML document be converted into pdf references? Must be either "true" or "false"
- replacements TODO
- produceForms Should we turn HTML forms into PDF forms? Must be either "true" or file".
- load.* Page specific settings related to loading content, see Object Specific loading settings.
- web.* See Web page specific settings.
- includeInOutline Should the sections from this document be included in the outline and table of content?
- pagesCount Should we count the pages of this document, in the counter used for TOC, headers and footers?
- tocXsl If not empty this object is a table of content object, "page" is ignored and this xsl style sheet is used to convert the outline XML into a table of content.
Image settings
The wkhtmltoimage_global_settings structure contains the following settings:
- crop.left left/x coordinate of the window to capture in pixels. E.g. "200"
- top/y coordinate of the window to capture in pixels. E.g. "200"
- crop.width Width of the window to capture in pixels. E.g. "200"
- crop.height Height of the window to capture in pixels. E.g. "200"
- load.cookieJar Path of file used to load and store cookies.
- load.* Page specific settings related to loading content, see Object Specific loading settings.
- web.* See Web page specific settings.
- transparent When outputting a PNG or SVG, make the white background transparent. Must be either "true" or "false"
- in The URL or path of the input file, if "-" stdin is used. E.g. ""
- out The path of the output file, if "-" stdout is used, if empty the content is stored to a internalBuffer.
- fmt The output format to use, must be either "", "jpg", "png", "bmp" or "svg".
- screenWidth The with of the screen used to render is pixels, e.g "800".
- smartWidth Should we expand the screenWidth if the content does not fit? must be either "true" or "false".
- quality The compression factor to use when outputting a JPEG image. E.g. "94".