Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CCropSettingsSettings for cropping image
 CHeaderFooterSettings considering headers and footers
 CImageGlobalClass holding all user settings
 CMarginSettings considering margins
 CPdfGlobalClass holding all user setting. This class holds all the user settings, settings can be filled in by hand, or with other methods
 CReflectImpl< CropSettings >
 CReflectImpl< HeaderFooter >
 CReflectImpl< ImageGlobal >
 CReflectImpl< Margin >
 CReflectImpl< PdfGlobal >
 CReflectImpl< PdfObject >
 CReflectImpl< QPrinter::ColorMode >
 CReflectImpl< QPrinter::Orientation >
 CReflectImpl< QPrinter::PageSize >
 CReflectImpl< QPrinter::PrinterMode >
 CReflectImpl< Size >
 CReflectImpl< TableOfContent >
 CReflectImpl< UnitReal >
 CSizeSettings considering page size
 CTableOfContentSettings considering the table of content
 Cwkhtmltopdf_converterA struct holding information related to a conversion process
 Cwkhtmltopdf_global_settingsA struct holding global settings
 Cwkhtmltopdf_object_settingsA struct holding object settings